Queenstown Robostormers
eZED proudly support Queenstown Robostormers. This enthusiastic group of primary and high school children. The group learns a bit of everything, from coding, mechanical engineering and strategy, all focused around robotics challenges.
The group have taken part in the First Lego League, with an automated self driving Lego robot built to undertake challenges around a game board. The robots follow a course using light sensors, and use clever mechanisms to actuate, move and lift Lego pieces.
The team do a themed scientific study each year, this year focussed on submersible robots. Queenstown Robostormers also compete in the First Tech challenge and have competed across New Zealand, in Australia and recently visited Dubai.
Queenstown Robostormers are based in the eZED office, where we devote a portion of the office to Robotics and Lego.
Contact queenstownrobostormers@gmail.com